Maoist Leader Prachanda

Election results are coming in from all over the country and by a considerable number the Maoists (Communist Party- Nepal) are leading in seats. The seats are for the Constituent Assembly- the body that will draft a new constitution for the country and determine the democratic (??) framework of the government. It was a shock to many people that the Maoists, the initiators of a decade long war in Nepal that killed over 13,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands, were victorious. It is scary to think about how they will wield this new power in the name of the people. It is all the buzz in the country that the Maosists have defeated the normally dominate Nepali Congress. This is a sign that people want to see change. They voted a party that they think will help change the country for the better, but in doing so, they have voted for a party that has little experience in mainstream politics and frankly, speak as if they have lost their minds.
They promise gold and property to the poor, but their plan to make good on that promise is to steal possessions from the rich to give to the poor. They have been doing it for ten years and now that they have a majority in the Assembly I doubt things will change. Maoists will show up at your door, blindfold you and remove you from your house. They will hold you for ransom and once your family pays, they will strong arm them out of their house and will declare it "property of the people." They have been terrorizing the people almost daily for the last ten years. From extortion to forced "donations" to violence and murder. So you can imagine how incredible their win in this election really is. For us, it is an ironic twist at the end of ten years of instability and fear. At the end of the day it was an election of the people for the people, so this is what the Nepali people desire. Their hopes and aspirations now lie in the hands of people who only know the power of aggression. As Nepalis say, "Lets see."
(Ok, no more political talk on this blog)
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