I have always wanted to ride an elephant. When Erin and I were in Thailand that was my one request, and for some unforeseen circumstances, we couldn’t make it happen. After she came back from Nepal the first time she showed me the video of her on an elephant in the Jungle. I was so jealous and told her that I too would get my dream one day of getting on that prickly beast. Well that dream finally came true and it was honestly a highlight of my life. We met up with some friends in the jungle who took us to their friend’s resort. They owned two elephants and allowed us girls to accompany them on their daily bath in the local watering hole. We hopped on the burly beauties via the hotel rooftop restaurant. We paraded down the streets and straight into the jungle. Once we got to the watering hole the elephant trainer instructed the elephant to “jham” right into the water with us on their backs. Although we were supposed to be washing them, it turned out that we got a good wash too. With a full trunk of water, they splashed us in the face- over and over again. Best.Shower.Ever. We were playing with their floppy ears and hugging their Jurassic trunks for an hour in the river. The local Mogley-looking boys were having a fantastic time watching two foreigners flomp around with Dumbo.
Part of our mission at Global Daughter is to inspire others to “get their dream,” whatever that may be. We all have different goals in life, but it is so important to realize them and have the confidence to achieve them. (Even if they are as crazy as wanting to mount a 5 ton beast)
What great pics....You girls have made one of my dreams come true...having children who follow their dreams. Hugs and kisses!
Thanks Debbie! It all started with your love and support. What an amazing example of strength we have. Love you.
Wow. The things you girls are doing there is really amazing. I've always wanted to travel and your blogs definitely make it seem worth while. Thanks and congratulations. =]
- Katie
Hey You two! Somebody told me about your website...amazing. I have shown all my classes your website hoping to inspire the younger generations. So Brave. So Selfless. So admirable.
Thanks Kelby!
It is great to know that you are sharing the site. We live an extraordinary life over here... I hope it sparks something in your kids! Wow, it has been a long time. Keep following the journey!
-Erin and Erika
Oh my goodness! This looks so fun! I came to this blog last week but now I'm hooked I LOVE animals! Keep up the great photography!
Thanks Katie and Megan. Traveling is absolutely the best education and we encourage you to find a way to do it.
Holy smokes you are seriously living the dream!! Its like being a kid even just for a moment! What a blessing to get to experience that...Blessings to you and Erica!!
my elephant ride doesn't compare :)
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