The LiveStrong Foundation came to Seattle this weekend and over 2,000 riders took part in the event to raise money for cancer research. The Lance Armstrong Foundation was founded by cancer survivor and cycle stud, Lance Armstrong in 1997. The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) unites people through programs and experiences to empower cancer survivors to live life on their own terms and to raise awareness and funds for the fight against cancer.
Global Daughter put together a team (of 2!) and raised over $900 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Erin and her roommate (cycle stud) Karl, trained and spread the word about the cause for the event. Erin completed the 70-mile course- see map below- and Karl conquered the 100-mile course. It was a great day for Seattle and a great day for the fight against cancer. Riders raised over 1 million dollars for the event and all levels of riders were able to participate in the 10-mile, 45-mile, 70-mile or 100-mile courses.
The Global Daughter Team rode for the family members of both Erika and Erin. Fathers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends...we have both experienced the path of cancer in our lives. It was important for us to be involved in a cause that has effected us personally, here at home, with the people we love.
Erika's uncle John, who is fighting cancer, completed (and crushed) the 100-mile bike course and was the biggest inspiration for us to join this ride. He is a phenomenal athlete and cyclist and has been a big supporter of our GD adventure from the beginning. The strength he has shown in the last year has followed us wherever we go and we want him to know how much we respect and love him.
Thank you to all who donated to the ride or helped us train..you know who you are!

70-mile course map
(That hill in Issaquah was my Everest!)

1 comment:
Thank you for your strong support! It means so much to both of us.
Auntie and Uncle John
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