In September Global Daughter sponsored our lead designer, Lanjana, in a skills training workshop in Kathmandu. Here she was instructed by a fashion desinger from India on techniques in fushion of raw materials. For example, combining leather with elephant grass or nettle fibers with wood or bamboo. She attended the one-week course with about 20 other women artisans from the valley. We were proud to have her there representing our producers, Janakpur Arts and Crafts Center. She told me she learned many new things, and already she has started to produce protypes. We are very fotunate to have her associated with our project and hope to get her involved in more skills development workshops in the future! (Also, congratulations to Lanjana on her up-coming marriage!)
Wow, I love the last couple blogs. You are amazing
Just saw the new website! It looks great. Thanks for all the great stuff I picked up to give as Christmas gifts. It has made shopping so much eaiser this year. And also congratulations to Lanjana!
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