May 10th is World Fair Trade Day..
Otherwise known as the first day you start the rest of your life as a "progressive consumer!" Making the right choice is easier than you think. These days consumers have so many choices, including organic, enviro-friendly and fairly traded choices. Making the choice to support fair trade is making a choice with a far greater impact than just a transaction. The more demand there is for things made unethically, the more the supply. So by demanding that your goods are made and traded under best ethical practices- you will directly be apart of a conscious consumer culture that says “no” to exploitation and “yes” to empowerment!
The best part about being a part of the Fair Trade Movement is that not only do you get beautifully handmade and high-quality goods, you also get a piece of mind. Buying fair trade is a lifestyle..and just the beginning of what you can do to contribute to the future of our planet. Your fair trade products represent a connection to people and places across the globe. The story behind a cup of tea from women tea-pluckers in the highest tea gardens in the world in Nepal, is much more interesting and inspirational than the story behind your Lipton tea bag.
So be progressive. Be a part of someone else's story. Take the lead in the Movement.....for the "Global Good."
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